$297.00 USD

By purchasing you understand that this offer is non-refundable.

You also understand that the information and advice provided is for educational and informational purposes only. Valerie Trumbower is a Postpartum Doula and Certified Lactation Counselor, neither of which is a medical professional. This information is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, medical advice. Moreover, the information and advice is not a substitute for advice from a medical professional who is familiar with you, your baby and your situation. You are ultimately responsible for seeking the advice of a medical professional regarding care of your baby and safe practices to follow. New Parents Academy nor any of its employees, agents or contractors shall be held liable or responsible for any damages you may suffer as a result of applying the lessons in this program or as a result of failing to seek professional advice from a licensed medical professional who is familiar with your situation.

You understand that when purchasing this product you subscribe to all marketing emails to receive course information and other broadcast emails sent by New Parents Academy.
1:1 support offer must be used during the fourth trimester (before baby is three months old).

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One week of 1:1 Support to answer alllll your new baby questions!


As a Postpartum Doula & Lactation Counselor I understand that new parents have questions! You can be confident that I will answer ALL your questions (there's no limit) by sharing information that is line with current safety guidelines.

Have allllll your questions answered about: 

- feeding

- pumping

- soothing

- sleep

- day-to-day challenges

- product recommendations

....and more. 

There is NO LIMIT to the number of questions you can ask!

I want to support you the way that I would if I were working in your home (at a fraction of the cost).

After you sign up you'll be taken to a form to choose your week of support. 

I look forward to getting to know you!



When you sign up I'm taking one of the 10 slots I have available each week and reserving it just for you! For that reason this offer is non-refundable.